CLASS Days are a signature event for Kairos and all our enrolled families. Once every three weeks, students come to the Kairos center to enjoy stories, friendships, fun, and access to special learning. Each letter represents something great!
C – Chapel. Every CLASS Day, students learn important stories that encourage specific character traits. Teachers share Biblical and moral narratives that help pave the way to nurturing a child’s heart.
L – Library. The Kairos library currently stocks over 200 titles and is constantly adding more. A good book is a child’s best friend! Enrolled students are allowed to borrow up to 5 books at a time, for return during the next CLASS Day.
A – Activities. With so many families gathered together, Kairos maximizes these occasions by highlighting them with special activities. From group games to crafts, from performances to decorating, students experience collaborative projects that allow them to meet friends, make friends, and make special memories.
S – Submissions. Families enrolled in Kindergarten and upwards are allowed and encouraged to submit their tests and projects as students progress. There’s nothing more satisfactory than handing in a job well done! Test scores are emailed to families within a week of submission.
S – Support. Homeschooling doesn’t have to be a lonely journey. Teachers and other parents make themselves available each time to share tips, reference content, and provide encouragement. Ask our faculty any questions or concerns, and meet your partners in Kairos!