If homeschooling is parent-led and home-based, why bother with a homeschool provider? How exactly does Kairos assist families in actualizing their homeschooling goals?
Every school year, Kairos provides each and every one of our families with a set of complete books, materials, and teacher’s guides – taking the guesswork out of curriculum planning. Our teachers and administrators meet our parents and students regularly to provide training, social opportunities, and community support. At the end of each quarter, after assessments and exams have been conducted, families receive a comprehensive report slip on their children’s academic and conduct progress. We pray for our students and parents by name to lift up their needs to the Lord.
For interested families, Kairos also coordinates Music, PE, Art, and Livelihood classes; fields trips; and special events. Students get to experience the memories of growing up in a close-knit learning community without parents having to do any of the planning!
We do what we do so our parents can invest their energy into teaching, discipling, and spending time with their children. It takes a village to raise a child, and we strive our best to be the village our students need to equip them for life!