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Taking Education Home

Families choose to homeschool for a variety of reasons. Some choose to shape their children’s character in a better Christian environment. Some aim to maximize their children’s academic potential. Some others feel called to this path to meet logistical, medical, or spiritual concerns.

Regardless of the reasons God calls our families to homeschool, Kairos serves them by providing a core curriculum and structured system within which families may learn and explore in the ways best suited for them. Students thrive in a loving environment, and we let our families focus on the teaching and caring while our administration does the footwork for them.

In the Kairos system, students get to learn both at home and at school, in a group and as individuals. Learning gets to happen whenever and wherever suits it best.

Through Every Season

Life is never always the same. Children grow, and people age. Certain times of the year are busier and other times slow-moving. Events, health issues, trips, and life’s other surprises alter the course of our everyday routine temporarily or permanently.

But learning never stops.

Our children learn as much in diligent academic study as they do in life. Children absorb information in multi-sensory ways. A family reunion fosters values that cannot be learned through a book. A milestone event or adventure can lend context to many skills developed in school.

No matter the state of our heart and home, time doesn’t stop, and learning doesn’t either. Through every season of life, the homeschooled child – and the homeschooling parent – never ceases to grow.

Christmas Break 2018

Deck the halls and light the tree!

Kairos operations will be unavailable from December 24 to January 6. The office will be reachable again starting Monday, January 7, 2019. Families who wish to inquire may contact us directly at

Have a very merry Christmas!

Leaning on a Perfect God

Homeschooling is a uniquely rewarding experience. The opportunity to witness our children’s milestones and to participate in their triumphs and struggles is a priceless adventure and privilege. Homeschooling requires time, commitment, perseverance, and love from its practitioners – and it rewards the faithful with fulfillment, joy, irreplaceable memories, and the affirmation of a job well done.

For limited human beings, however, the daily homeschooling grind isn’t always perfect. There are days when a child fails repeatedly to understand his or her lesson. There are days when our children soar, and there are days when they will falter. There are days when a dirty house, rowdy children, tired parents, and endless responsibilities paint an image that is as far from the perfect homeschooling home as possible.

How invaluable it is to know we have a perfect God!

His strength is made perfect in weakness. In the darkness of overwhelming challenges, His light shines all the brighter. In Him alone do we find strength to fall, to struggle, to conquer, and to persevere.

What We Do

If homeschooling is parent-led and home-based, why bother with a homeschool provider? How exactly does Kairos assist families in actualizing their homeschooling goals?

Every school year, Kairos provides each and every one of our families with a set of complete books, materials, and teacher’s guides  – taking the guesswork out of curriculum planning. Our teachers and administrators meet our parents and students regularly to provide training, social opportunities, and community support. At the end of each quarter, after assessments and exams have been conducted, families receive a comprehensive report slip on their children’s academic and conduct progress. We pray for our students and parents by name to lift up their needs to the Lord.

For interested families, Kairos also coordinates Music, PE, Art, and Livelihood classes; fields trips; and special events. Students get to experience the memories of growing up in a close-knit learning community without parents having to do any of the planning!

We do what we do so our parents can invest their energy into teaching, discipling, and spending time with their children. It takes a village to raise a child, and we strive our best to be the village our students need to equip them for life!

A Matter of the Heart

Life’s battles are won on our knees. No amount of skill, preparation, or material equipment can mold the hearts of young children without the Lord’s hand. The unique calling of homeschooling can be successful only when our parents and teachers bring our students before the Lord day after day after day.

May our gracious God continue to bless our families with the strength, wisdom, creativity, and compassion they need to raise their children up in His love. May the heart of every Kairos student be shaped under the masterful guidance of the Potter’s hand.

What Makes It “Easy”?

Homeschooling is an exciting adventure. It is, also, at the same time, a challenging calling for many families!

Kairos simplifies the homeschooling experience by doing the footwork for our enrolled families. We provide a fully-developed academic curriculum, including tests, projects, and grading services. We train and equip our parents. We assess student performance and provide full reports. We plan and provide extra-curricular options, and we foster a community of dedicated, hardworking Christian parents.

On the flip side, Kairos does expect our parent partners to carry out the actual application of the program: you can’t homeschool without homeschooling! A purposeful homeschooling experience is always a labor of love. Our families thrive when fathers, mothers, and extended family members commit themselves to teaching, mentoring, and discipling their children in the love of the Lord.

It takes effort from our families to maximize the Kairos program, but God’s grace is always and ever sufficient.

Starting Right

Every year, Kairos meets our parents and primary instructors at the beginning of the school year to set families up for the highest chances of success. Our faculty members meet with each and every enrolled family to share updates, expound on new policies and services, and discuss best strategies moving forward. Our families never start homeschooling alone!

Families are encouraged to make time for homeschooling, to set up a schedule that maximizes learning in the home. Families are also asked to make room for homeschooling, to organize books and learning materials with purpose and efficiency.

Above it all, families and faculty are asked to pray, pray, and pray. Successful homeschooling is built on foundations of prayer. Our God alone can give us the strength we need to do His work of raising the next generation in His will.

May His grace abide richly with our upcoming new school year!

Going, Going, Gone

Applications are officially closed for School Year 2018-2019. Stay updated right here on our website for information on future events and announcements. We look forward to starting the new school year with our nineteen families come July!

Three Weeks to Go

Application and reservation deadlines are fast approaching. Only three more weeks to go before we get to May 31! Don’t forget to collect everything on the list and submit them to reserve your child’s slot today.

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